Turning Twenty-Eight

This year’s birthday was kinda weird. So weird such that the lady who let me out of her vjayjay actually forgot my birthday. Sad. On a bright side, at least the fiancé didn’t and he brought me over to Fix @ HometeamNS [here].





Salted egg doughnut. Kinda weird but it was actually really delicious.


For $37, this seafood fiesta platter for two is kind of disappointing. The samba was nice but everything else was so-so.



Say no to sharing

Sometimes the fiance and I really have our PBG moments where we just refuse to share. Because of that PBG attitued, we each had 2 scoops ice cream and a brownie/waffle each. LOL! And believe it or not, in the many years that we have dated, this is our first time here together and my first time. #interestingstory

ll Pictures in this post taken with Leica D-lux 109

I got holes in my pockets

Around this time last year, I decided to give my whole family a treat…to Carousel. My family isn’t one of those who spends a huge amount of money on something. In fact, this was the first time all of us had an extravagant buffet dinner in a hotel. Yes, it did burn a hole in my pocket but I felt happy that I was the one who made this happen.



Yes, my first sister made the emoticon props. LOL.

ll Pictures in this post taken with Leica D-Lux 109.

The wheels on the bike goes round and round

I swear that age is catching up on me or maybe it’s my weight that’s too heavy but cycling is not easy please. Upon hearing news that the new bridge linking ECP to Gardens by the Bay is opened, we decided to give the route a try. 

A few meters from the bike kiosk, we hear voices screaming ‘free pancakes, free pancakes’ and so we approached the voice and pretended to take pictures just so they will invite us in. XD Apparently they’re just normal people who one day decided to go online and create a group inviting people to come together and make pancakes for strangers. 

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Makan, Makan 007 – The Marshmallow Tree

DCIM106GOPRODCIM106GOPRO DCIM106GOPROSugar rushhhhh! Hell yeah! If you love marshmallows, this is the place for you. All the desserts has marshmallow in them even the oreos! My personal favorite out of the two desserts I’ve tried is the pie! They’re so soft and chewy and the vanilla flavored ice cream is the best choice to go along with the pie!

In case you’re interested in trying this place – 46 Telok Blangah Drive #08-85 Singapore 100046

along that 365 days ; 2013

I’m a few days behind my along that 365 days ; 2013 post where I basically sum up the whole of 2013 into one entry. Just like any other years, 2013 flew by so fast that I need some time to actually think about what have I covered in the past 365 days.


As per “tradition”, I welcomed 2013 with my group of bestest friends. ❤ We would stuff our faces with foods and be bummed out at how much older we will be. Continue reading